Is Beetroot Good for Hair?

In the quest for healthy, luscious hair, many people turn to natural remedies that offer a wealth of benefits without the harsh side effects often associated with chemical treatments. One such natural remedy gaining popularity is beetroot.

 Known for its vibrant color and nutritional profile, beetroot is being recognized not just for its health benefits but also for its potential to improve hair health. This article delves into the benefits of beetroot for hair, backed by scientific evidence, practical uses, and expert recommendations.

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Nutritional Profile of Beetroot

Beetroot is a nutrient-dense vegetable, packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Key nutrients in beetroot include:

  • Vitamins: Vitamin C, vitamin A, and several B vitamins, including folate (vitamin B9).
  • Minerals: Iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese, and phosphorus.
  • Antioxidants: Betalains, flavonoids, and polyphenols.
  • Dietary Fiber: Supports digestion and overall health.

Specific Nutrients Beneficial for Hair Health

The nutrients in beetroot contribute to hair health in several ways:

  • Iron: Essential for proper blood circulation and oxygen transport to hair follicles, preventing hair loss and promoting growth.
  • Folate (Vitamin B9): Supports red blood cell production, aiding in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the scalp.
  • Vitamin C: An antioxidant that helps in collagen production, strengthening hair and promoting growth.
  • Vitamin A: Vital for sebum production, keeping the scalp moisturized and hair healthy.
  • Magnesium: Reduces calcium buildup on the scalp, which can lead to scalp issues and hair loss.
  • Potassium: Maintains fluid balance, preventing dehydration and dry, brittle hair.
  • Antioxidants (Betalains): Protect hair follicles from oxidative stress, promoting scalp health and preventing premature aging of hair.

Benefits of Beetroot for Hair

Promotes Hair Growth

Iron and folate in beetroot are crucial for promoting hair growth. Iron enhances the oxygen supply to hair follicles, while folate supports red blood cell production, ensuring that hair follicles receive the necessary nutrients. Antioxidants in beetroot improve scalp health by protecting hair follicles from oxidative damage.

Prevents Hair Loss

Beetroot’s high iron content helps combat iron deficiency, a common cause of hair loss. Improved blood circulation, facilitated by beetroot’s nitrate content, ensures that hair follicles receive sufficient nutrients and oxygen, reducing hair loss and promoting healthy hair growth.

Improves Hair Texture and Shine

Beetroot is rich in vitamins and minerals that enhance hair texture. Vitamin C boosts collagen production, strengthening hair strands and improving elasticity. Silica in beetroot strengthens hair strands by promoting collagen synthesis and retaining moisture, giving hair a natural shine and preventing brittleness.

Fights Dandruff and Scalp Issues

Beetroot’s anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties help soothe an irritated scalp, reducing conditions such as dandruff and itchiness. Methods to use beetroot for dandruff treatment include applying fresh beetroot juice directly to the scalp and using beetroot in hair masks.

Ways to Use Beetroot for Hair Health

Dietary Intake

Incorporating Beetroot into Your Diet

  • Salads: Add grated or sliced beetroot to salads.
  • Smoothies: Blend beetroot with other fruits and vegetables.
  • Roasted Beetroot: Roast beetroot with olive oil and seasonings.
  • Soups: Add beetroot to soups and stews.

Benefits of Consuming Beetroot Juice for Overall Health and Hair

  • Improved Blood Circulation: Enhances blood flow, improving the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to hair follicles.
  • Detoxification: Helps detoxify the body, reducing scalp issues.
  • Nutrient Boost: Ensures a steady intake of essential vitamins and minerals.

Topical Applications

Beetroot Hair Masks: Recipes and Benefits

  • Beetroot and Yogurt Hair Mask: Mix beetroot juice with yogurt, apply to scalp and hair, leave for 30 minutes, then wash off. Moisturizes the scalp and reduces dandruff.
  • Beetroot and Henna Pack: Combine beetroot juice with henna powder, apply to scalp and hair, leave for a few hours, then rinse off. Conditions the hair and adds shine.
  • Beetroot and Aloe Vera Gel: Mix beetroot juice with aloe vera gel, apply to scalp and hair, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse. Soothes the scalp and promotes hair growth.

Using Beetroot Juice Directly on the Scalp

  • How to apply: Massage fresh beetroot juice into the scalp, leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Reduces dandruff and promotes a healthy scalp.

Recommendations for Beetroot-Based Hair Products

Aveda Invati Advanced Exfoliating Shampoo Light, 1 Liter/ 33.8 oz, New!!

  • Its Benefits: Contains beetroot extract and helps exfoliate the scalp.

Herbal Essences Sulfate Free Shampoo and Conditioner Set,

  • Benefits: Enriched with natural antioxidants, including beetroot, to nourish hair.

WOW Skin Science Red Onion Black Seed Shampoo & Conditioner Duo 16.9 oz

  • Benefits: Contains beetroot extract to support hair strength and shine.

Potential Side Effects and Considerations

Possible Allergic Reactions or Sensitivities

Some individuals may experience allergic reactions or sensitivities to beetroot. Symptoms can include itching, redness, or irritation on the scalp. It is advisable to conduct a patch test before using beetroot-based treatments.

Staining Effects of Beetroot on Skin and Fabrics

Beetroot’s vibrant color can stain skin and fabrics. Protect clothing and surrounding areas during application. Stains on the skin can be removed with soap and water.

Balancing Beetroot with Other Hair Care Practices

Beetroot should be part of a balanced hair care regimen, including regular washing, conditioning, and using other natural ingredients. A balanced diet, adequate hydration, and avoiding excessive heat styling are also important for maintaining healthy hair.

Scientific Studies and Evidence

Here are Some Summary of Research Supporting the Benefits of Beetroot for Hair

  • Iron and Hair Health: Research shows that improving iron levels can enhance hair growth and reduce hair shedding (Kantor, Kessler, & Brooks, 2003; Trost, Bergfeld, & Calogeras, 2006).
  • Antioxidants and Scalp Health: Studies demonstrate that antioxidants can improve scalp health and prevent damage to hair follicles (Kaur & Saraf, 2012; Kim & Lee, 2018).
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Research indicates that a diet rich in vitamins A, C, and B-complex vitamins can improve hair strength, texture, and growth (Almohanna, Ahmed, Tsatalis, & Tosti, 2019; Rushton, 2002).

Gaps in Current Research and Need for Further Studies

Despite promising evidence, more clinical trials and studies directly examining the effects of beetroot on hair health are needed. Comparative studies, long-term effects, and optimal dosage and application methods should be further explored.

Further Reading on Natural Remedies for Hair Care

“The Green Beauty Guide: Your Essential Resource to Organic and Natural Skin Care, Hair Care, Makeup, and Fragrances” by Julie Gabriel:Book: The Green Beauty Guide(amazon)

  • Overview: Comprehensive guide to natural hair and skin care.

 “Herbal Hair Care: A Comprehensive Guide to Hair Treatments and Herbal Remedies” by Susan L. Parker:Book: Herbal Hair Care (amazon)

  • Overview: Explores various herbal remedies for hair health, including beetroot.

Articles on StyleCraze:Website: StyleCraze Hair Care Articles

  • Overview: Collection of articles and tips on natural hair care practices.


To sum up, beetroot looks like a good natural way to make hair healthy. It has lots of good stuff in it, and science shows it can help hair grow and keep the scalp healthy. Whether you eat it, put it on your head, or find it in hair products, beetroot seems like a good choice for people who want strong, shiny hair.

As we learn more about it, beetroot could become a popular option for taking care of hair in a natural and healthy way, instead of using chemical treatments.

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