The best Natural remedies for hair regrowth (Examined)

soft hairAre you worried about losing your hair? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many people want to find ways to make their hair grow back naturally. Instead of using harsh chemicals or going through painful procedures, lots of folks are turning to natural remedies. 

In this cool guide, we’ve taken a close look at different natural remedies that claim to help with hair regrowth. We’ve checked out scientific studies and listened to people’s experiences to give you the best information. We want you to know all about these awesome natural remedies that have been examined for their effectiveness in dealing with hair loss. 

Whether you’re trying to stop your hair from getting thinner, make it thicker, or keep your scalp healthy, we’ve got you covered. This guide will give you super helpful tips and tricks about the most promising natural remedies for hair regrowth.

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What are the best natural remedies for hair regrowth?

1. Aloevera

Aloevera is a special plant that can help your hair grow. It has a gel inside its leaves filled with vitamins and minerals. When you put the gel on your scalp, it moisturizes and reduces dryness and itchiness. It can also get rid of dandruff. Aloevera gel has enzymes that nourish the hair follicles, making your hair grow faster and stronger. You can find aloevera gel or juice and apply it directly to your scalp or mix it with shampoo. Remember to ask an adult for help and be cautious if you have allergies. 

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is an amazing oil that does wonders for your hair! It comes from coconuts and is super moisturizing. When you apply coconut oil to your hair, it hydrates and makes it shiny and smooth. It also helps strengthen your hair, so it can grow longer and healthier without breaking easily. Coconut oil even acts as a shield, protecting your hair from the sun, heat, and pollution.

Majestic Pure Fractionated Coconut Oil – Relaxing Massage Oil, Liquid Carrier Oil for Diluting Essential Oils(check price on amazon)

 To use it, warm up the oil, massage it into your hair and scalp, leave it for a while, and then wash it out.

3. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is a special seed that can help make your hair grow. It’s like a natural remedy for hair regrowth! Fenugreek has vitamins and minerals that are good for our hair. You can make a simple hair mask with it. 

First, soak the seeds in water overnight. Then, blend them into a paste. apply the paste to your hair and leave it for about 30 minutes.

 After that, wash your hair with water. Doing this regularly can make your hair stronger, and thicker, and help it grow faster. It’s a cool and natural way to take care of your hair!

4. Amla

Amla is a special fruit that can helpy our hair grow better. Amla is full of vitamin C, which is super good for your hair. you can use amla in different ways to make your hair healthy.

  •  One way is to mix amla powder with water and apply it to our scalp.
  •  Another way is to drink amla juice or eat the fruit itself. 

Amla makes your hair strong, shiny and prevents hair loss. It’s a cool and natural way to take care of your hair and make it grow beautifully!

SPICE TRAIN, Organic Amla Powder (14oz) Halal Amalaki, USDA Organic, Non-GMO | 100% Raw and Natural -(check on amazon)

5. Onion juice

 Onion juice is another natural remedy that can help with hair regrowth. It might sound strange, but onions have special properties that are good for our hair. Onions have a nutrient called sulfur, which can make your hair grow stronger and thicker. 

To use onion juice, you can take a fresh onion and blend it to make juice. Then you can apply the juice to your scalp and leave it for about 15-30 minutes. 

After that, wash our hair with shampoo. It’s important to be careful because onion juice has a strong smell. But if you use it regularly, it can help your hair grow healthier and fuller.

6. Viviscal

Viviscal is a hair supplement that can help with hair regrowth. It comes in the form of tablets that you take orally. These tablets contain special ingredients like biotin, vitamin C, zinc, and marine extracts. These nutrients are important for your hair’s health. 

When we take Viviscal regularly, it can provide your hair with the necessary nutrients it needs to grow stronger and thicker. It’s like giving your hair a boost from the inside! 

7. Ginseng

Ginseng is a natural remedy that can help with hair regrowth. It is a special herb that has been used for a long time in traditional medicine. Ginseng has many benefits for your overall health, including your hair. It can improve blood circulation, which means more nutrients can reach your hair follicles. This can help your hair grow better. Ginseng also has antioxidants that can protect your hair from damage and make it healthier.

you can find ginseng in different forms like supplements or hair care products. 

8. Pumpkin seed oil

Pumpkin seed oil is a natural remedy that can be helpful for hair regrowth. It is made from the seeds of pumpkins, which are rich in nutrients. The pumpkin seed oil contains vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids that are good for our hair. These nutrients can nourish your hair follicles and promote healthier hair growth. 

you can use pumpkin seed oil by massaging it onto your scalp and leaving it for a while before washing it off. It can help strengthen your hair, reduce hair loss, and make it look shinier. It’s important to remember that natural remedies may work differently for everyone, so it’s good to give it a try and see how it works for you.

9. Bhringraj oil

Bhringraj oil is a natural remedy that can be beneficial for hair regrowth. It is made from the leaves of the Bhringraj plant, which is known for its hair care properties. Bhringraj oil is rich in nutrients like vitamin E, vitamin D, and antioxidants, which can help nourish your hair and scalp. When you massage Bhringraj oil into your scalp, it stimulates blood circulation and strengthens your hair follicles. This can promote hair growth and make your hair thicker and healthier. It’s important to use Bhringraj oil regularly and follow the instructions on the bottle for the best results.

10. Garlic

Garlic is a natural remedy that is helpful for hair regrowth. It might seem surprising, but garlic has properties that are good for your hair. Garlic contains sulfur, which can improve blood circulation to the scalp and nourish your hair follicles. This can promote healthier hair growth. You can use garlic for your hair by making a garlic-infused oil.

 First, crush some garlic cloves and mix them with a carrier oil like coconut oil.

 Then, heat the mixture gently and let it cool down. 

Once it’s cool, you can massage the garlic-infused oil into your scalp and leave it for a while before washing it off. Garlic can also help with dandruff and scalp health. Just be careful because garlic can have a strong smell!

11 Jojoba oil 

Jojoba oil is a natural remedy that can be beneficial for hair regrowth. It is extracted from the seeds of the jojoba plant and is known for its nourishing properties. Jojoba oil is similar to the natural oils produced by our scalp, making it easily absorbed and suitable for various hair types. It moisturizes the hair and scalp, promoting healthy hair growth. Jojoba oil can also help in reducing hair breakage and frizz, leaving the hair smoother and shinier. It can be applied by massaging a small amount onto the scalp and through the hair strands, allowing it to work its magic. Regular use of jojoba oil can contribute to healthier and stronger hair.

12. Green tea

Green tea is a natural remedy that can benefit hair regrowth. It’s not just a delicious drink, but it also contains antioxidants that can help promote healthy hair growth. Green tea can help reduce hair loss and strengthen hair follicles. It contains a compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which helps stimulate hair follicles and encourages hair growth. 

To use green tea for hair, you can brew a cup of green tea and let it cool down. Then, you can apply the cooled tea to your scalp and hair, gently massaging it in. Leave it on for a while and then rinse it out. Use it Regularly. 


Aromatherapy is a natural remedy that uses essential oils to promote overall well-being, including hair health. Essential oils are concentrated extracts from plants that carry their unique scents and properties

Some essential oils, like lavender, rosemary, and peppermint, are known to have benefits for hair growth and scalp health. Aromatherapy for hair can involve adding a few drops of these oils to carrier oils, such as coconut or jojoba oil, and massaging the mixture into the scalp. The pleasant scents can also help relax and reduce stress, which can indirectly contribute to healthier hair.

14. Methi hair mask

A Methi hair mask is a natural remedy that can be helpful for hair growth and overall hair health. Methi contains nutrients that nourish the scalp and hair follicles. 

  • To make a Methi hair mask, soak Methi seeds in water overnight to soften them. 
  • Then, grind the soaked seeds into a paste.
  • Then add other ingredients like yogurt, coconut oil, or aloe vera gel for added benefits.
  •  Next, apply the Methi paste to your scalp and hair, making sure to cover all areas.
  •  Leave the mask on for about 30-45 minutes before rinsing it off with water.

15. Egg yolk mask

An egg yolk mask is a natural remedy that can be beneficial for hair health. Egg yolks are rich in proteins, vitamins, and fatty acids that nourish the hair and promote growth.

  • To make an egg yolk mask, separate the yolk from the egg white and whisk it until it becomes smooth. 
  • Then, apply the egg yolk to damp hair, focusing on the roots and lengths.
  •  Massage it into the scalp for a few minutes and leave it on for around 20-30 minutes.
  •  Finally, rinse it out with cool water and shampoo as usual. 

The nutrients in the egg yolk can help strengthen the hair, add shine, and make it more manageable. 

NB: It’s important to avoid using hot water to prevent cooking the egg in your hair!

16. Biotin 

Biotin is a vitamin that is important for your hair, skin, and nails. It is also known as Vitamin B7, or Vitamin H. Biotin helps your body break down the food you eat and convert it into energy. When it comes to hair health, biotin plays a crucial role in promoting hair growth and maintaining healthy hair follicles. It can help strengthen the hair strands, reduce hair breakage, and improve overall hair texture. Biotin is naturally found in foods like eggs, nuts, seeds, and leafy greens. However, in some cases, people may take biotin supplements to ensure they get enough of this vitamin. 

17. rosemary oil

Rosemary oil is a natural remedy that can be beneficial for hair growth and scalp health. It is derived from the rosemary herb and has been used for centuries for its various medicinal properties. Rosemary oil stimulates blood circulation to the scalp, which can promote hair growth. It also has antimicrobial properties that can help maintain a healthy scalp by combating dandruff and itching. 

To use rosemary oil, you can dilute a few drops in a carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil and massage it into your scalp. Leave it on for a while before washing it out. 

18. Chinese Hibiscus

Chinese Hibiscus, also known as Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, is a flowering plant that is not only beautiful but also has benefits for hair health. It is a natural remedy that can promote hair growth and improve the overall condition of the hair. Chinese Hibiscus is rich in vitamins and antioxidants that nourish the scalp and hair follicles. It helps strengthen the hair, prevent hair loss, and add shine to the strands.

Hibiscus Powder 10 oz | 100% Natural and Pure Hibiscus Powder for Hair Growth | by Yogi’s Gift®(check on amazon)

To use Chinese Hibiscus for hair, you can make a hair rinse by boiling the flowers or leaves in water, letting it cool, and using it as a final rinse after shampooing your hair. This can help condition the hair and promote healthy growth.

19. Saw palmetto

Saw palmetto is a natural remedy that is often used for hair loss and promoting hair regrowth. It comes from the fruit of the saw palmetto plant. Saw palmetto contains compounds that can block an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase, which converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is believed to contribute to hair loss, especially in individuals with a genetic predisposition. By inhibiting this enzyme, saw palmetto may help reduce hair loss and support hair regrowth. 

Saw palmetto can be taken as a supplement or used in the form of topical products such as shampoos or oils. It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before using saw palmetto for hair-related concerns to determine the appropriate dosage and discuss potential interactions or side effects.

20. Fish oil

Fish oil is a natural remedy that can benefit hair health and promote hair growth. It is derived from the tissues of fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, or sardines. Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, specifically EPA (eicosatetraenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which have anti-inflammatory properties and contribute to overall health.

Omega-3 fatty acids help nourish the hair follicles, reduce inflammation in the scalp, and promote healthy hair growth. They also improve the health of the hair shaft, making it stronger and less prone to breakage.

Fish oil can be consumed as a dietary supplement or obtained by incorporating fatty fish into your diet.

21. Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is a natural remedy that can be beneficial for hair and scalp health. It is derived from the peppermint plant and has a refreshing minty scent. Peppermint oil has several properties that make it useful for promoting hair growth and improving scalp conditions.

One of the main benefits of peppermint oil is its ability to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp. This increased blood flow can help nourish the hair follicles and promote hair growth. Peppermint oil also has a cooling effect, which can soothe an itchy or irritated scalp.

To use peppermint oil is typically mixed with carrier oil, such as coconut oil or jojoba oil, and massaged onto the scalp. This allows the oil to penetrate the hair follicles and provide its benefits.

However, it’s important to use peppermint oil in moderation and properly dilute it, as it can be strong and potentially irritating if used undiluted.

22. Lemon 

Lemon is a citrus fruit that can be used as a natural remedy for hair care. It has various properties that can benefit the hair and scalp. Lemon is known for its astringent and clarifying properties, making it useful for controlling excess oil and removing buildup from the scalp. It can also help balance the pH level of the scalp and combat dandruff. Lemon juice can be mixed with water and used as a final rinse after shampooing to add shine and enhance the natural highlights of the hair. However, it’s important to be cautious as lemon juice can be drying, so it’s best to use it in moderation and avoid applying it directly to the scalp or leaving it on for extended periods.

23. lavender 

Lavender is a versatile herb that is widely used for its pleasant scent and therapeutic properties. When it comes to hair care, lavender can offer several benefits

Firstly, lavender has a calming and soothing effect, which can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Stress can contribute to hair loss and scalp issues, so using lavender-infused products or oils can help create a calming environment for hair health. 

Secondly, lavender has antimicrobial properties, making it effective in combating dandruff and other scalp conditions. It can help cleanse the scalp and reduce itchiness or inflammation. 

Lastly, lavender can improve blood circulation in the scalp, promoting hair growth and strengthening the hair follicles. This can result in healthier and thicker hair over time.

Lavender can be used in the form of essential oil, added to shampoos or conditioners, or infused in hair masks or rinses. It’s important to ensure proper dilution and patch testing, as some individuals may be sensitive to essential oils.

24. Argan oil

Argan oil is a natural remedy that is derived from the kernels of the argan tree. It has gained popularity for its numerous benefits for hair health. Argan oil is rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins, which nourish the hair and promote its overall health. It helps moisturize and hydrate the hair, making it softer, smoother, and more manageable. 

Argan oil also helps reduce frizz, tame flyaways, and add shine to the hair. It can repair damaged hair and protect it from environmental stressors. Applying a few drops of argan oil to damp or dry hair can work wonders in improving its texture and appearance.

Cliganic USDA Organic Argan Oil, 100% Pure | for Hair, Face & Skin | Natural Cold Pressed Carrier Oil, Imported from Morocco (check on amazon)

25. Melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced by the pineal gland in our brain. It plays a crucial role in regulating our sleep-wake cycle. While melatonin is primarily known for its role in sleep regulation, it has also been studied for its potential benefits for hair health.

Melatonin has antioxidant properties, which means it can help protect cells, including those in the hair follicles, from damage caused by oxidative stress. It may also promote hair growth by prolonging the anagen (growth) phase of the hair cycle.

The topical application of melatonin or the use of melatonin-based hair products has been explored as a potential treatment for hair loss and improving hair growth. However, more research is needed to fully understand its effectiveness and recommended usage for hair-related concerns.

 26. Yogurt

Yogurt is a dairy product that can be beneficial for hair health when used as a natural remedy. It contains proteins, vitamins, and minerals that nourish the hair and scalp. Yogurt has moisturizing properties that can help hydrate and condition the hair, leaving it soft and smooth. The lactic acid present in yogurt can also help cleanse the scalp, removing excess oil and product buildup. 

Additionally, yogurt contains probiotics that promote a healthy scalp environment and can help reduce dandruff. Applying yogurt directly to the hair and scalp as a hair mask or incorporating it into DIY hair treatments can provide these benefits and contribute to healthier-looking hair.

In summary

 Our comprehensive guide has uncovered the best natural remedies for hair regrowth, all of which have been examined for their effectiveness. Say farewell to harsh chemicals and painful procedures as we delve into the world of natural solutions.

From aloe vera and coconut oil to fenugreek, amla, and onion juice, we provide scientifically backed options to address various hair concerns. Whether your goal is to prevent hair thinning, promote thicker hair, or maintain a healthy scalp, our guide offers super helpful tips and tricks.

Embrace these awesome natural solutions for hair regrowth and unlock the potential for healthier, fuller hair. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to achieve your desired results in a gentle and sustainable way.

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