Why my hair turning brown from black

Ever wondered why your hair changes color, especially from black to brown? It’s something many people notice. Understanding why this happens can help us understand our bodies and the world around us better. 

In this article, we’ll talk about why hair color changes. We’ll look at things like genes, aging, and what’s around us. Let’s find out why your hair might be turning brown instead of staying black.

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Why my hair turning brown from black

Hair color can change because of many things like your parents’ genes, getting older, and stuff around you. When hair goes from black to brown, it’s often because your hair isn’t making as much of a pigment called melanin anymore. This happens as you get older. Less melanin means lighter hair, like brown. Also, being in the sun a lot, using certain hair products, or having health issues can make your hair change color too. It’s normal and happens because of a mix of things inside and outside your body.

Things That Make Hair Change Color


Hair color can change because of things we get from our parents, called genes. These genes are like instructions for our body, including how much color our hair has. So, if your parents have certain hair colors, chances are you’ll have similar ones.

Also, some people are more likely to see their hair color change because of their genes. These genes make certain individuals more prone to hair color changes over time. That means while everyone’s hair might change as they get older, some people might notice bigger changes, like going from black to brown hair, because of these genes they have.

Getting Older

As we get older, our hair doesn’t make as much melanin, which is the pigment that gives hair its color. This means our hair might not have as much color as it used to, making it lighter.It’s common for hair to naturally change from black to brown as we age. This happens gradually because our hair follicles produce less melanin over time.

Stuff Around You
  1. Being Out in the Sun a Lot: Spending time outside in the sunshine is fun, but it can also change your hair color! The sun’s rays can make your hair lighter by breaking down the pigment in it. So, if you’re soaking up the sun at the beach or playing outside, your hair might get some natural highlights.
  2. Using Special Hair Products: There are lots of cool hair products out there, but some of them can change your hair color. Like if you dye your hair or use bleach, it can give you a totally different look. Even some shampoos and stuff you put in your hair might have things in them that can affect your hair color a bit, though usually not as much as dye.
  3. Health Stuff That Can Affect Your Hair Color: Sometimes, health things can change your hair color too. Like if you’re not getting all the vitamins you need, or if you have certain health issues, it might show up in your hair. Even some medical treatments, like chemotherapy, can make your hair thinner or lighter. So, your hair color might change because of things going on inside your body too.

 How Hair Color Changes Work

Melanin’s Job
  1. What Melanin Does for Your Hair Color: Melanin is like your hair’s coloring agent. It’s the stuff that gives your hair its color, whether it’s black, brown, red, or blonde. So, if you have a lot of melanin, your hair will be darker, and if you have less, it’ll be lighter.
  2. How Less Melanin Means Lighter Hair, Like Brown: When there’s less melanin in your hair, it can make your hair look lighter. So, if you had really dark hair but started making less melanin, it might turn into a lighter shade, like brown. It’s kind of like having fewer color ingredients in your hair recipe, so it comes out lighter.
How Your Body Works
  1. How Aging Affects Melanin: As we get older, our bodies change, and that includes how much melanin our hair makes. So, as we age, our hair follicles (the little roots where our hair grows from) might not make as much melanin as they used to. This can lead to our hair gradually becoming lighter over time.
  2. How Melanin Levels Affect Hair Color: Since melanin is what gives our hair its color, when there’s less of it, our hair can change color too. If our hair follicles produce less melanin, our hair might go from being dark to lighter shades, like brown. So, it’s all about how much melanin our bodies make, and that affects what color our hair ends up being.

How Things Outside Your Body Changes our  Hair Color

  1. Have you ever noticed your hair getting lighter after spending time in the sun? That’s because sunlight can actually lighten your hair. The sun’s rays break down the melanin in your hair, which is what gives it color. So, the more time you spend outside, especially in sunny places, the more your hair might lighten up.
  2. What UV Rays Do to Your Hair Color: UV rays from the sun are powerful! They can penetrate your hair and break apart the melanin, which is what makes your hair darker. This process is called oxidation. So, when your hair is exposed to a lot of sunlight, the UV rays can cause the melanin to break down, making your hair lighter.
Chemicals in Hair Stuff
  1. Some hair products have chemicals in them that can change your hair color. For example, if you use hair dye or bleach, these chemicals can alter the pigment in your hair, making it a different color. Even certain shampoos and conditioners might have ingredients that can affect your hair color, although usually not as drastically as hair dye.
  2. What Happens When You Dye Your Hair: When you dye your hair, the chemicals in the dye penetrate the hair shaft and either deposit color or remove the natural pigment, depending on the type of dye used. This changes the color of your hair to the desired shade. However, it’s important to remember that dyeing your hair is a chemical process and can have long-term effects on the health and appearance of your hair.
Health Problems
  1. How Being Sick or Getting Treatment Can Change Your Hair Color: Sometimes, when you’re not feeling well or undergoing certain medical treatments, it can affect your hair color. For example, if you’re really sick or going through chemotherapy, your hair might become thinner or even fall out temporarily. This can change the way your hair looks and feels, including its color.
  2. How Hormones Can Change Melanin Levels: Hormones are like little messengers in your body that control lots of things, including melanin production. So, if there are changes in your hormone levels, it can affect how much melanin your hair follicles make. This can lead to changes in your hair color, like it becoming lighter or darker.

How to Keep Your Hair Healthy and Manage Color Changes

To maintain healthy hair and manage hair color changes, there are several things you can do.

First off, let’s talk sun protection. Wear your favorite hat or grab some UV protection products to shield your hair from too much sun exposure. This helps prevent any unwanted lightening and keeps your color looking fab.

Next, be kind to your hair by choosing gentle products that don’t have harsh chemicals. It’ll thank you by staying strong and vibrant! Treat yourself to some pampering with regular deep conditioning sessions to keep your hair happy and hydrated.

And don’t forget about your diet! Load up on those vitamins and minerals to support overall hair health. Oh, and if you spot any sudden changes in your hair color, chat with a healthcare pro or dermatologist for some expert advice.

Wrapping Up

So, we’ve covered a lot about keeping your hair healthy and understanding those color changes. Remember, it’s all natural! Your hair might change color because of genetics, aging, or even things like sunlight or health conditions. 

But hey, understanding why it happens can make it easier to accept and embrace. So, whether your hair goes from black to brown or any other shade, know that it’s all part of the journey. By following these tips and knowing more about your hair, you’ll be ready to rock any color with confidence!

2 thoughts on “Why my hair turning brown from black”

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